Friday, January 14, 2005

Yesterday I discovered my true dependence on the internet. It was frightening. It started last week when Tom told me that his computer was acting up and he was having trouble getting and staying online. We chalked it up to his having installed a wireless keyboard and changing some settings, but undoing those changes didn't fix the problem. I confess that I was really only minimally concerned - after all, it didn't affect my ability to surf the net. Then the day before yesterday Andy tried to sign on to play an online game on the Playstation and he complained that his character on the game kept freezing up and he couldn't stay connected for more than a few minutes at a time. Again, only minimal concern on my part. Then the unthinkable happened. Yesterday I tried to get online and couldn't. I tried everything I could think of but finally determined that the network box had gone to the great computer graveyard and needed to be replaced. (When a computer component dies, does it byte the dust? Sorry, couldn't resist). I asked Tom to get one on his way home from work and bring it home with him. During the day I found myself constantly going to the computer to do something online. I knew that yesterday was payday for me, so I went to check my bank account online. Oops, guess I can't do that. You mean I actually have to call and find out if my check is there or not? Oh, dear. Now I've forgotten the number - it's been ages since I had to do that. Later in the day Andy and I thought we heard thunder. I'll just check the radar quickly online. Oops again, guess I won't do that, either. What? I have to actually watch t.v. and wait for the Local on the 8s?! Several times throughout the day I found myself doing similar things. It was akin to having the electricity go out and walking into a room and flipping on the light switch so that you can find a match to light your candle with! It was late when Tom got home and I was too tired to connect the network up again, so I waited until this morning to do it. I was able to resume all of my online activities once more! (Oh, yeah - I could work again, too - didn't miss that as much as surfing!). Life is good once again.

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