Monday, January 17, 2005

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow - Pleeeease?

Last night it snowed a little - just enough to make me wish for more! It was pretty to watch while it lasted. Tom went outside and took some pictures of snowflakes under a magnifying glass and using his zoom lens on his camera. He wasn't able to get pictures as detailed as the one above which was taken by a famous photographer who studied ice crystals, but he did get a few very good pictures. I will try to post them if I can ever get access to the pictures. He isn't home right now and I think his camera is surgically attached to him - he takes it everywhere. Hopefully we will get more snow this weekend - I'm ready for winter to start behaving like, well, winter!

Andy and I will be spending part of the day reading a book for a book report he has to do. The book we are reading is "A Wrinkle In Time" by Madeleine L'Engle. So far it is a very good book. Each month his class covers a different genre and they have to choose a book from that genre to do their report on. This month it is science fiction. Andy and I take turns reading - I think he understands the book better this way and by reading it with him, I know the story so I can check his report. Last month it was poetry. He chose something from Shel Silverstein, who is a very funny poet. I was inspired to write one of my own:

Something smells!
What can it be?
It smells like rot
or runny cheese.
Something smells
like moldy bread.
It burns my eyes
and hurts my head.
Something smells
so bad that I
think that I may
likely die.
Something smells.
What can it be?
Uh oh - Oh dear!
I think it's me.

I know, I know. Don't give up my day job!

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