Monday, May 09, 2005

It has been a while since I wrote. Not because anything major happened - on the contrary; nothing much has happened! Last week was pretty much the same ol' stuff. Yesterday for Mother's Day we didn't even do much. A while back we were given gift certificates to a seafood restaurant nearby, but we hadn't used them yet. This place also has a carryout where you can buy raw seafood, too, so we used the certificates to buy crab meat and I made a pile of crabcakes yesterday. Jerry's mom came over, and it was basically just a laid back kind of day. I feel like I enjoy Mother's Day every day. Although there are times that are trying, I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything in this world. Yesterday was a special day for my boys as well as me, because I get to be their mom every single day.

Having said that, I must tell about something one of my offspring did yesterday. I had planned to have deviled eggs with dinner, so yesterday morning I put both boys to work helping to make them. I had one boy peeling eggs and the other cutting them and removing the yolks. I went about doing other things and walked into the kitchen just in time to see my oldest dumping the entire bowl of hard-boiled egg yolks into the trash. Not believing what I had just seen, I shrieked, "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!" He turned around with a look of terror on his face because of the decibel level of my shriek, at which point I repeated the question (at the same decibel level, too). He stared blankly at me and said, "You needed those?"

This is the same child who has taught himself everything he knows as far as music goes. This is the same child who was chosen out of the entire county to represent the county in his high school vo-tech computer animation competition. This is the same child who was asked by the local college to give a presentation to incoming students because at 17 he was maintaining an "A" average in college, while attending high school at the same time. This is the same child who gives guitar lessons to a student who speaks Japanese, thought the language was wonderful, and so bought a textbook and has been teaching himself to speak and write Japanese. Alas, this is also the same child who got a tattoo instead of a mattress, and threw the filling away for the deviled eggs. Well, on the positive side, he will never forget how to make deviled eggs now.

As usual, I am a day late and a dollar short. My day got away from me yesterday and when I was going to call my own mother, I was shocked to realize it was 8:40 at night. It wasn't that I forgot - my day just sped by and was gone before I knew it. I sent a card which I do hope arrived in time, but I could have made more of an effort to call at a decent time. Her birthday is coming up shortly - I shall have to redeem myself. Mom, if you read this, Happy Belated Mother's Day - I love you very, very much, and I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday, in spite of your middle child.

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