Monday, February 28, 2005

Oh, No! I'm Out Of Month And Still Have Work Left!

I can't believe what I did. I really can't believe what I did. I am the first to admit that I'm definitely not the most organized person around, but I pretty much have my work schedule down to an art. I am contracted to do a certain amount of work per week, and so as to ensure that I meet that requirement, I know what I must get done each day so that I'm not behind at the end of two weeks when it's time to turn in an invoice. Well, to sum it up, somehow I completely forgot that February only has 28 days. How does one forget that? Anyway, guess what I spent a lot of time doing today?! I had three days' worth of work to do! I did get it done, though. Whew! I'm feeling much better now.

Well, we didn't get as much as snow as we were supposed to. We did, however, get another day off from school! I wonder what will happen tomorrow? I would like to see just one more day off, now that my work is caught up, my headache is gone, and all's right with the world!

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