Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Happy Tuesday!

I'm just getting around to sharing things from my hospitalization.  I'm going to share these pictures, but then move on because it's now May, I'm feeling 100% better, and ready to put this chapter behind me.

I mentioned in my last post that I felt the Lord's presence with me throughout, and here's one instance.  To give you some background for this picture, I had not told anyone what was going on because I didn't think it was a big deal, and I didn't want to worry anyone.  The only ones who knew were Jerry and Andy.  Well, I did tell my sister, but that's because she texted me while I was in the ER the first time and I couldn't exactly have a text conversation at that time, but nobody else knew.  So the second time when I came home but had to go right back, on the way to the ER, Jerry stopped to get the mail.  I don't know why he did, but at the time it seemed perfectly normal to me too!  Anyway, in the mailbox was a card and gift from my mom.  Here is what it was.

Remember, she didn't know that anything was going on.  Turns out she had sent one to each of us, her three children.  How awesome and timely was that?!  I called her on the way to the ER to tell her just how much I appreciated it and what was going on.  Also, I found out that my brother was going through something too, and he also told Mom that it was right on time for him, too!  I love when God works like that!  Isn't this prayer shawl beautiful?  I kept it beside me the whole time I was there.

There was also a time when, at 3 in the morning, I had gotten up and wheeled my IV pole to the window to look out.  In my view were flags blowing in the wind, and the helicopter pad off to one side.  I was listening to music in my earphones at the time, and I began praying because exhaustion, blood loss and worry had all caught up with me.  Suddenly, I felt the most intense peace I can ever imagine wash over me.  I can still recall how that felt.  I was, and am, so very thankful for that moment.

Then, when I was about to go into the operating room, the nurse asked if I needed anything.  I normally don't share my faith with people because I'm shy about that, but I was feeling scared and brave all at the same time, so I said, "If you pray, could you please pray for me?"  She said, "Not only do I pray, but you and I are going to pray right here, right now!"  She said the most beautiful prayer, asking for peace for me, for guidance for the surgeon's hands, for wisdom for them to find and stop the bleeding, and all sorts of other things, and then we thanked God for his presence with us there.

Lastly, before I was discharged, the nutritionist had come in to discuss my restricted diet when I went home, and then the nurse came in to remove my IVs.  My Bible was on the table and we began talking about faith, family, the Lord, and all kinds of things.  It was a wonderful discussion, and I won't forget feeling His presence with me there.  I am so very, very grateful and humbled by His goodness to me.

Lastly, I'm going to share these pictures.  Jerry and I both added to the dry erase boards in my rooms at both hospitals, even though I don't think you're supposed to!  I had stared at the first one for many hours, and I kept thinking it needed something, so Jerry got the marker and added his touch to it!  I like to think it's an angel coming to the ER!

Then, in the second hospital, there was a space that asked what would keep me highly satisfied.  At this point, I hadn't eaten in five days, and was about to be taken down to surgery.  I was by myself, so my IV pole and I wheeled on over to the board and I added EXACTLY what would keep me highly satisfied! 

Here are the last pictures.  This is my left and right arm, respectively.  There were also IVs in the tops of both hands.  The one in the left hand is in the side of my wrist, which was EXTREMELY painful, and the nurse said was a last resort,  because by this point my veins weren't cooperating very well.

So, that's it.  I'm feeling 100% better and ready to begin exercising, gardening and living life, and put this chapter behind me.  Happy Tuesday, y'all!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, God was certainly watching over you. : ) The mini prayer shawl that your mom made is wonderful and I love the words that go along with it.
    Would you mind if I made and used those words for people that I know?
    Glad you feel so much better now and get back to normal.



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