Thursday, March 10, 2005

A Slippery Slope

What shall become of me? I watched another movie today. I shall have to curb my wanton ways before I become tempted to watch......daytime television.... (Shriek of terror).

Okay, okay - that will never happen. I'm not brain dead nor do I intend to become that way by watching inane nonsense. Today's movie was Little Women and I thoroughly enjoyed that, too. There were only two movies that I wanted to see, and now I have finally done so! Well, only two movies in the free movie listings on On Demand on Comcast that I wanted to see. I still have Casablanca, My Fair Lady, Singin' In the Rain and Gone With The Wind on DVD to watch, but I can see them anytime. The two that I wanted to see were only going to be there for this month, so I'm glad I got to see them. (And I made sure my work was done first, so it was a guilt-free movie!)

Well, Jerry, his mom and the horse arrived safely in Ohio last night. He had expected to arrive somewhere around 6 p.m. but by 8:30 p.m. I still hadn't heard from him. I started to worry, so I called him. He was just about to call me to let me know that they had just arrived - a little over two hours late. They ended up sitting on the beltway for an hour because of something that had happened there, then later on in the day the horse trailer got a flat tire. Jerry had to take the trailer to a tire place where it was found that the tire had a piece of metal in it, so they couldn't just plug it; they had to patch it. He said they jacked the trailer up - horse and all! I had promised myself that I wouldn't worry about him on this trip, but by 8:30 I couldn't stand it anymore. At least I waited two hours after he should have arrived to call. I'm getting better!

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