Wednesday, March 09, 2005

A Day For Me

I should be ashamed - but I'm not! I actually watched a movie in it's entirety today, and enjoyed it very much. Jerry left for Ohio early this morning, I got Andy on the school bus, then Tom got called in to work early (no, I didn't arrange that!) so I figured I would sit down and get a lot of work done. I got my coffee and sat down, but that's as far as I got. There was an email letting me know that there were problems with the dictation system and they had no idea how long it would be out of commission, but they'd let me know when I could get to work again. I immediately thought about a movie that I wanted to see but never had the time, but then just as quickly felt guilty because of all the things I should be doing, like more de-cluttering. I gave each room a cursory picking-up (didn't make much difference in the appearance of the room, but I felt better!), then decided to treat myself to that movie. I watched Sense and Sensibility all the way through with no interruptions, and enjoyed every minute of it, thank you very much! I can't remember the last time I watched a movie by myself. I need to watch chick flicks alone, otherwise the male gender in the house thinks it's funny to watch me choke up and cry at movies! After that I was able to work again, so I finished that. Maybe this evening I will work on the house. Maybe.

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