Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Not much time for blogging today. Not even enough time to think up a title for this one! School was two hours late today and then I went in to volunteer for the rest of the day. I worked when I came home (okay, I watched the History Channel a little bit, too). I'm not sure it's safe to be at Andy's school anymore! These accidents didn't happen at school but maybe there's something in the air! (except for Andy's teacher - her, uh, condition wasn't an accident and I really hope it didn't happen at school !!!) One teacher's aide fell and seriously hurt her back a few weeks ago. She is back now, but wearing a brace. Then over the past few days a teacher broke her ankle badly, requiring surgery and everything that goes along with that, and a long period of recuperation, so she'll be out a good while. Today I discovered that Andy's teacher was going to be out the rest of the week. I thought this was strange since the state testing is this week, plus his class had two major projects due this week. She is pregnant and due in May, so I was hoping everything was okay with that. Later in the day I found out that she could possibly be out the rest of the year as she has been put on bed rest. I haven't told Andy this yet, though. He is definitely a creature of routine, and the slightest changes throw him off, and I know he would really miss his teacher. He was already very disappointed that she wouldn't be here at the end of the year for fifth grade graduation because of maternity leave. I do wonder, though, how much learning there is going to be. From what I saw today, the poor substitute spent most of the day trying to hold down the fort. At dismissal time I asked her if she had a large bottle of Tylenol for the rest of the week, and she assured me that she did!

Andy and I were reading a book the other night and we came across this passage which I found really amusing. The book is written from a little girl's perspective. She was explaining why she didn't like a particular new girl who had come to her school. Here's the passage:

"Her name is New Thelma. The first day she came to our school, my boyfriend named Ricardo chased her all over the playground. I hollered and hollered for him to stop. But he said chasing New Thelma was fun. And so that is how come he dumped me. Dumped is the grown-up word for when you have to find a new Ricardo."

What a hoot!

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