Monday, August 06, 2012

Happy Monday

Good afternoon!  We had another quiet weekend.  Jerry and I had big plans for yesterday that didn't work out.  We were going to be at Lowe's when they opened at 8:00 and look at freezers, washing machines, shower stalls and toilets - not that we're getting all of those at once.  We're just shopping around right now.

About 2-3 months ago our big freezer bit the dust and we have been making due with a small chest freezer and the top portion freezers of two refrigerators (one in the house and one in the garage).  That freezer was like a member of the family.  We've had it for 23 years.  It moved to West Virginia with us, and back again.  I cried when that freezer died.  We were told it can't be repaired because they have changed the coolant systems now and it will cost more to redo the coolant system than to replace the whole thing.  Did I mention I cried when that freezer died?

The space was a little tight when we first unloaded everything out of the big freezer into the smaller ones, and now the space has eased up as we have used things, but we are gearing up for winter again.  We want to buy another cow and pig and these freezer spaces just aren't going to hold that.

Then, naturally, because if something can go wrong it will - about a month ago the washing machine started leaking.  Thanks to the interwebs we know what it is, but either we fix it and start down the slippery slope of one thing going wrong at a time, or just get another washing machine.  It is a Sears machine and we have had it for 16 years.  We have never had a minute's trouble with it before now - I love it, and we understand each other after 16 years.  Can you tell I have trouble with change?!  

When we went looking around online we actually discovered that it's harder to find one with an agitator now.  Maybe I'm old fashioned but I don't see how the agitator-less ones can get your clothes clean, and in only a couple of inches of water?  And I don't like the front load ones.  And I don't like the low water ones.  Now do you see why I keep holding onto my old one?!  It only leaks a very little bit which is really very manageable, and still cleans my clothes just fine, thankyouverymuch.

The shower stall and the toilet are for finishing the basement bathroom.  The toilet needs replacing and Jerry has taken the wall out between the bathroom and laundry room to make room for a shower stall as it was just a toilet and sink before.

Anyway, all this to say that we never made it to Lowe's.  Our usual morning routine is to sit out on the deck while I have my first cup of coffee of the day and he has his first smoke (yes, he's working on that!) and then we start our day.  But we couldn't get started yesterday, and one cup of coffee became three, and I don't think I even got out of my pajamas until 10:00!  Yeah, I know.  Don't judge.

Last night we watched two more episodes of Jericho - just two.  We are getting better at pacing ourselves!  Then we watched Andy finish a video game he has been working on, then it was bedtime.  A most uneventful but yet relaxing day.

I am now #89 out of 96 participants in this week's 5K.  I'll have the final tally tomorrow when the location changes and a new one is announced.  I haven't exercised yet today.  And may not.  Don't judge!

Enjoy the rest of your Monday :)

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