What a day we had yesterday! We left at 6:30 am for West Virginia and arrived back home at 11:30 pm - tired, but happy! We had gone to see if we could locate property markers to save having to get a surveyor out there, but we could only find one. The real estate agent provided us with a copy of the plat and measurements for the lot. We tried to go off of those measurements from the marker that we did find, but there weren't any markers to be found. We had brought Andy's metal detector with us which picked up everything else - including a pipe running under the access road - but no property markers. We dug where they should have been, but still didn't find them. Oh, well. It's probably better to have a new survey anyway, since the airstrip has been changed and we need to find where 100' from the original airstrip should be. We will be going back after the survey is done. While we were there we went through Romney to see how it had changed. It has changed A LOT! I actually found myself disoriented a couple of times because things weren't where they used to be!
We picked Jerry's mom up on the way yesterday morning. This worked out well for me - I chose to sit in the back seat with Andy, which is where I prefer riding. I'm getting better about traveling, but I prefer the back seat to the front passenger seat, and it doesn't seem right for Jerry to be in front by himself while we ride in the back! He looks like a chauffeur! I do ride in the front seat when it's just the two of us going somewhere - that would look strange! One day I'll be totally comfortable riding in the front, but for now I'm making small but steady progress - at least I'm going places! Baby steps, right?!
We had originally intended to take care of business in Romney, then head further west to look at property. When the weather forecast seemed to be changing by the hour, we decided we would wait until the afternoon to decide whether we would head back home or not. By 3 pm they were still calling for nasty weather starting in West Virginia Sunday morning and moving east by Sunday evening. We decided to play it safe and head back, and just plan to explore west on another trip.
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