Saturday, February 26, 2005

All Right, Who Invited Bob Vila?

For the last two days Jerry has been working on our bathroom. To put it mildly, it was a mess! The paint on the walls had gotten moisture under it and bubbled, and the ceiling was constantly damp, so mildew loved it there! We took a good look at our whole house, looking at it like a prospective buyer might, and it was frightening! There are so many things that I guess we just got used to, that it took looking at our house from someone else's perspective to realize how well, comfortable, we had gotten with things around here! Jerry decided the bathroom would be first. He sanded down the walls and used sealer and mildew-proof paint for those, and a really heavy-duty mildew-proof paint on the ceiling. The fumes had everyone hallucinating for a few hours! He stayed up all night last night taking up the old flooring, taking the commode up, and in the process discovering that the water valve had been bad and leaking minute amounts for who knows how long, which of course meant that the plywood around it now needed fixing and sealing. Tom made the comment that we are going to get our house fixed up so nicely, that we won't want to move! I doubt that, because while we can physically fix up things around here, there's not a thing we can do about the people around us and the crowding, which is the biggest reason we want to leave. Today Jerry has put the commode back where it belongs (thank goodness), and is putting the new bathroom door on. I'm very thankful to be married to someone who knows how to do these things! I do get a chuckle out of it, though, when someone says to me, "Oh, you are so lucky to be married to someone in this business. Your house must be beautiful!". If they only knew! You see, by the time he finishes making other people's houses beautiful, he doesn't want to come home and work on his own! Something like why the shoemaker's children go barefoot! Well, getting a good selling price is always good motivation, right?! And if, by some divine intervention we decide not to move, we will enjoy our improved surroundings!

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