Saturday, December 10, 2016

Well,  hello there! I know I haven't posted much - as in, not at all!  Let me catch you up since my last post in September.  September?!  How did that happen?!  Anyway.....

In October the boys and I participated in the 5K that we do together every year.  This is the first year it rained.  Actually, it didn't just rain, it POURED!  We didn't bring umbrellas because the weather forecast just called for a few sprinkles in the morning and when we started the 5K it was just cloudy.  Then it got cloudier and darker, and the sky opened up.  I had my phone in one hand and my iPod in the other, and no pockets to put either.  Our shoes were sloshing when we were done, but we really had a good time, as usual.  This time they had auto cameras at the finish line to take your picture as you crossed it.  It got everyone's picture but mine - I got a fairly nice picture of one shoe......!

Here are Tom, Lucy and Wrex,

here are Andy and Sarah,

 ....and if you look behind #33's behind, you'll see my black shoe with the bright pink laces!

Just as well.  Some poundage has crept back and this is not the year I want to remind myself of that, in Spandex, especially.

Then in November I had a cookie order.  Here they are ready to be packed and shipped.

Then came Thanksgiving.  Tom, Lucy and Wrex came here and it was the five of us for dinner.  We ate too much, laughed too much, and had a wonderful time.  I was too busy cooking and eating and forgot to get pictures.

That pretty much brings you up to date.  Now I am getting ready to decorate the inside of the house for Christmas and put the tree up.  We put the outside lights up and changed the flag out front the other day.  I love seeing the lights on at night.

I hope everyone has had a very good day today.  Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so glad I emailed you and found out that you are blogging here. : )
    Sounds like has been good and you've been busy.



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