Saturday, February 09, 2013

Well, there ya go.

Over to the right -----> is my Instagram feed.  So, it turns out that the pictures I took playing around with my phone and playing around with Instagram are all on there.  No matter how bad they are.  Well, except for the ones of my handsome hubby.  Don't he clean up nice?!  Spoken like a true redneck.  Actually, he was dressed for a somber occasion.  His uncle passed away last week and he was a pallbearer.  The service was very nice.  His uncle had fought in World War II and there were soldiers at the cemetery, and they folded the flag from his casket and gave it to Jerry's aunt.  It was a private cemetery, not a military one.  At the burial a soldier played Taps on a bugle.  As the last note of the bugle faded away in the thin, cold air at the cemetery, I don't think there was a dry eye anywhere.

As for the other pictures, it wasn't until AFTER I figured out Instagram that I discovered I couldn't turn the pictures around - so you see some sideways pictures of my garden before and after I cleaned it up a couple of weeks ago.  And a couple of snow pictures from when we had a meager snowfall. 

Then there are the rolls I made yesterday for our meatball subs which we had for dinner last night, and then the heart cookies that I made today.  The icing was a little funky but they turned out okay.

Now you're caught up with the explanations for my pictures.  You are welcome!

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