Good morning, my peeps! Just a short note before I get back to work. Today is the last day of the pay period for one of my jobs and I'm in there with everyone else grabbing the work as fast as it comes in to get as much on this paycheck as I can! Picture a shark feeding frenzy, or better yet, people knocking each other out to get the last Cabbage Patch doll ('member that? Sheesh), or whatever the latest got-to-have-it-for-my-rotten-kid-so-I-don't-have-to-spend-time-with-them toy of the season is.
Okay, it's not that bad, but people do tend to wait until the end of the pay period to get their contracted amount of work in. I'll admit that I've sometimes done that over the years. Mostly I try to work consistently throughout the pay period, but I still sometimes put a little oomph in at the end! A whole lot of people don't work at the beginning of the pay period, so I have all that I want then. But like I mentioned in a previous post, the work really hasn't gotten slow this year as it usually is this time of year. And I'm okay with that. Oh yeah - this morning I typed about a patient who is allergic to chocolate. Can you imagine? I can't - nor do I want to! What a horrible, dismal world that would be!
Yesterday I was completely lazy. Not work wise - I did extra work - but as far as exercise and food. I didn't exercise, and worst of all, ordered Dominos for dinner! Oh, yes I did.
Well, off to do more work and whatever else I can get into. My plan is to exercise today, but we'll see how that goes. Happy last day of July, everybody - can you believe it?!
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