Friday, June 10, 2005


I LOVE Fridays. After this week I will either love them more, or love all days of the week the way I currently love Friday! Andy has two more days - and they are half-days at that. Monday is graduation. Tuesday is a day when fifth graders can attend school, but don't have to. Andy wants to go, though, because the gym teacher told them they would be playing his favorite game on that day.

I have a feeling that Monday is going to be an emotional wringer for me. I know this because yesterday while just reading about the graduation in a teacher's newsletter, I started choking up. Oh, well. I think I would rather feel things as deeply as I do than not be sensitive to things at all. Gets expensive buying tissues, though!

My sunburn is healing nicely. I'm still using after-sun cream about five times a day or the itching and burning feeling will drive me crazy. I told Andy we could go back to the beach soon, but you can bet I will be wearing sunblock on my overexposed anatomy!

In a previous blog I wrote about Jerry's mom, Jerry, Andy and I going to the beach to test my gate key. The reason Jerry's mom was here that day was because she and Jerry went to the farmer's market together. Jerry surprised me by bringing home a beautiful oak table for the kitchen. Jerry and I had looked at the table a few weeks ago when we went thrifting and to the farmer's market (when I got my Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots!). We really liked it but had to think about purchasing it at that time. When Jerry told me that he and his mother were going last week, I jokingly asked if he intended to invite me along. He just looked at me and said "No". Okaaaay...... Actually I couldn't go anyway. My work was behind and I had already told Jerry that I couldn't do anything on Saturday except plant myself at my desk for however long it took me to catch up, so I really didn't mind. It was a wonderful surprise to see the table, and it looks wonderful in our kitchen. The table we were using is so old that we really can't remember where it came from. I believe it was in my family for a while and then got passed around. It was really old, and the legs were very loose. One leg in particular we had fixed several times until there were no more threads left to attach a screw to. Sometimes while we were eating someone would inadvertently hit this table leg and it would jut out at an angle and everyone would have to secure their plate and drink until the offender could push the leg back into place so that the table wasn't sitting at a precarious angle. We have done this for quite a few years now. Isn't it funny the things you get used to and accept as just part of your life?! I plan to post pictures of my beautiful table when I can. Right now it is holding items from my pantry closet because I have turned on the air conditioning. I had to do it. Ninety degrees and sunburn just don't mix. The air conditioning unit is in the attic and last year we discovered that the drip pain wasn't draining too well, and we had a small waterfall into our pantry closet, drenching everything in there. At the time Jerry hadn't put shelves in it yet, and it was more of a utility closet, so basically only umbrellas, bowling balls and gloves and hats got wet, but it still wasn't fun to clean up. When we had the new heat pump put in last fall and the new unit put up there, Jerry said he had to adjust the pipe for the drip pan before we used it this year. Well, I forgot he said this and turned on the air conditioning about two days ago. When he got home he strongly suggested that I remove everything from the closet until he got the proper stuff to fix it, because now there is food stored in there. He got the materials he needed yesterday and plans on fixing it tonight. It figures that nothing has leaked thus far, while my beautiful table holds a gigantic bag of rice (wouldn't that be a mess if it got wet?!), cereal, and various other things that could be really disgusting if they got wet.

I will not bug Jerry about fixing this, though, because he was up all night (literally) tearing out all the carpet in the basement and scrubbing the floor down there. The last rain we had was torrential and the downstairs bathroom flooded, and flooded everything else down there, too. It was a mess. We didn't realize how much had gotten wet until he started taking up the carpet. We also didn't realize that there was a vinyl floor under the carpet. The floor cleaned up nicely. In light of what he went through last night, a few foodstuffs on my beautiful new table is not a big deal.

Jerry is also very tired because he was in Delaware on Monday and Thursday of this week, fixing a sunroom there. He didn't install this one, but there were problems with it so he went over there himself to fix it and make it right. He also had an appointment with an attorney there to get something moving on his trailer. Because the trailer was bought in Delaware, it turns out that everything needs to be legally handled there, as well. He was up all night Wednesday night getting paperwork together for that, then left at 3 a.m. on Thursday morning. This attorney is very positive that something can be done to get Jerry's money back and get rid of this trailer. Basically what it boils down to is that the trailer was built wrong, is over the legal size limit, and Jerry runs the risk of being ticketed every time he puts it on the road, not to mention the tires he goes through because a little more of the rubber burns off the backs every time he uses it, because of rubbing on the oversized frame.

Well, enough blogging for now. I have to get some work done, and it's about time for more after-sun lotion for my reddened, parched skin!

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