Thursday, February 27, 2014

Beautiful Morning

It was 23 degrees out there today and the first bird, a cardinal, sang at 6:19.  They are definitely starting to sing earlier these days.  There were only a few patches of snow left that the sun didn't get to yesterday.  It was nice to get the 2 inches of snow that we got during the day yesterday.  It was beautiful watching it.  I'm still not ready for spring or summer.  Still lovin' winter!

Today I have worked, exercised (a necessary evil), worked on my other blog, and fixed spice-rubbed pork chops for dinner.  I'll be grocery shopping tonight when I pick Andy up from work.  And that's my day in a nutshell.

I hope your day was wonderful.  Have a lovely rest-of-Thursday!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

This morning it was 32 degrees outside.  We had a light dusting of snow during the night which painted everything white again.  I loved it!  The first bird sang at 6:30 exactly, and it was a cardinal.  He woke all the other birds up. 

So far today I have worked, done a little cleaning (note the word little), and worked on a post for my other blog.  The rest of the day will be spent doing the same things over again!

I hope you are having a wonderful day. 

Please note that the picture of the cardinal above was not taken by me.  Bundled up and holding a steaming first cup of coffee in my hands doesn't leave me room to hold a camera!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Back outside!

This morning it was 32 degrees but felt like 27 with the wind chill.  It was nice being out on the porch, though.  I haven't been out as often.  For several days my day started very early and I didn't have time for a leisurely cup of coffee out there.  I chose to have my devotional time with the Lord and my first cup indoors instead, at the same time. 

Yesterday out there it was 27 degrees and felt like 24.  And I noted that the first bird sang at 6:48.  Within a minute I think every bird in the neighborhood was singing. 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Monday.  I wrote a post for my other blog, watched an episode of Numbers on Netflix and found out that we may get some snow Wednesday.  It was a good day.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Happy Groundhog Day!

...and Happy Sunday!  It was 42 degrees out on the deck this morning.  It felt like summer compared to the last few mornings.  All of the snow has melted now, but I am hoping for more!  According to the famous groundhog, we are in for six more weeks of winter.  I'm okay with that. 

We are not football fans here, so TV won't be on today.  It is shaping up to be a quiet, relaxing Sunday.  Hope you have a lovely, peaceful and relaxing Sunday afternoon.  Well, if you're not rupturing something important getting angry because the team you're rooting for in the Super Bowl isn't winning!  Try to have a lovely day, anyway!


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