Friday, August 09, 2013

Canning Days

We were blessed with an abundance of produce given to us.  My own garden has not been very prolific this year, unfortunately.

From the tomatoes I made pizza sauce and tomato soup.  Once again, Tammy's Recipes came to the rescue.  All of her recipes are so good.  I used this recipe for the tomato soup.  Then she has another recipe for spaghetti sauce which combines the tomato soup with the pizza sauce.  We'll be having spaghetti on Sunday.  Yum!  Of course last night for dinner I had tomato soup with grilled cheese.  It was really, really good tomato soup.

Then I canned cantaloupe.  I have never canned it before, but I followed a recipe in one of my canning books.  In previous years I have frozen it and it's been okay, but a bit mushy and grainy afterwards.  It is canned in a small amount of lemon juice and very light syrup.  I'm hoping it will be better than the frozen.

Today I am blanching and freezing corn.  I would can that too, except that my pressure canner needs a new gasket which I haven't gotten around to ordering yet, so the corn will have to be frozen.  The cantaloupe and tomato soup were processed in a water bath canner.  It sometimes seems like a lot of work, but only for a while, and totally worth it to have good eats in the middle of winter!

Happy Friday, y'all, and I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. 

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Family Gatherings

As there is another family gathering looming on the horizon, I figured it was time I post pictures from the last one.  This sequence of pictures pretty much sums up how our family gatherings go...

Things start out well enough...

Then things start to deteriorate slightly...

Clearly, all control is now lost.

Yup.  That pretty much sums up this family.  What makes me laugh is how Jerry is the same in all the pictures!  I guess he's used to living with me after 31 years of marriage and nothing about me or my nutty family fazes him anymore. 

Hope y'all have a happy Tuesday!


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