Saturday, February 28, 2009

Back Again

Where has the time gone? Has it really been two months since Christmas?! Has it really been about one month since I last posted?! You'd think with no TV that I'd have more time to blog, wouldn't you? Well, actually no, because I never really watched TV that much anyway when we did have it. No one has gone through withdrawal, either. It's amazing how much time can be wasted spent watching TV. For me, though, it's the internet. I find myself losing track of time perusing favorite blogs or researching whatever I'm into at the moment, and I really need to keep track of how much time I'm wasting spending on it!

One of the blogs that I have been keeping up with is this one. It has been truly amazing to read their journey through cancer. Their faith is truly an inspiration. I strongly encourage everyone who visits my blog to visit this one. Make sure you have a LARGE box of tissues nearby. Go back to the earlier entries where their journey began and read through to the present - you won't be sorry - what you will be is uplifted and with a renewed sense of how awesome our God truly is.

In light of that blog and the news of my cousin's advanced cancer, it has really made me think. I know that I am saved, but how about all of you reading this? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? If not, please search your heart and think about eternity - it's a long time to spend somewhere you *truly* do not want to be! Besides, I want to see each and every one of you in heaven. What a party that will be! If you're not sure if you are a saved Christian or you know you aren't and want to be, then I suggest you start by reading John 3:16; "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die, but have eternal life." Then pray sincerely, acknowledging that you know you are a sinner and wish to be saved, and that you believe in and accept Jesus as God's son and your Savior. It doesn't require long, fancy words or lots of "thee's and thou's". What God wants from us is earnest, heartfelt communication, and faith in him. Jesus says we are to have "faith like a child." Simple, unassuming faith that we'll be taken care of, no matter what, and that our life is in the hands of someone far more capable than ours! Please know that doing good deeds will NOT save you. Only simple faith and belief in Jesus will. Nothing we do here on this ol' earth will get us into heaven. Okay, my sermon is finished for today. Please consider what I have written - life truly is short, and eternity truly is a long time. Where would you rather be?

In other news, Jerry and I had our 27th anniversary last week. I am so in love with that man it's not even funny! I thank God each day for him. When we got married I had no idea that it would ever be this wonderful, but it just gets better every year. We didn't exchange gifts for our anniversary because we chose to do that for Valentine's Day. As soon as I get my pictures uploaded I'll post a picture of the wonderful gift he gave me. My camera has been pretty finicky lately and frankly, I don't feel like arguing with it this evening.

Last week Andy and I went to Delaware and took Jerry's mom with us. We had a great time. We walked EVERYWHERE. That lady's hard to keep up with - and I thought I was in fairly good shape! We plan on going back in April to ride the ferry to Cape May. One night we all went to the boardwalk. It was drizzly and chilly and the wind was really howling. It was about 9:00 at night and I couldn't help but walk down to the beach and stand in awe of the ocean. I don't believe I have ever seen the waves that huge, and when they crashed it sounded like thunder. It was so loud that when the others joined me down on the beach, we had to shout to be heard. We tried to get pictures but it was too dark. The whitecaps rolling on the huge black waves and then crashing down into an explosion of foam on the sand was truly a sight. I wandered too close a couple of times and got chased back by the waves, but I could have stood there all night just watching that.

Well, guess that's it for now. I'm sure I'll think of stuff I forgot to write, but that's a post for another day! Oh yeah - speaking of posts for another day, while certain people who shall remain nameless harass me for not blogging often enough, I haven't seen said certain person update his their blog in some time, either - just sayin'.............


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